is fsbo a good idea?

I have this friend who put his home for sale by owner. I realize that FSBOs are more attractive and less costly to homeowners. Anyone has a different experience? Would love to hear the community opinions.



KOBERON Management

Malibu, Ca

7 years ago

posted 7 years ago
latest activity 7 years ago

Norman  Hays

Norman Hays

Norman Hays Brokerage LLC

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If you know what you are doing and want to save money in commision, then yes. But,, if you do not know what are you doing , the money you will save in commission, will be used for a legal lawsuit against you. So think twice before you want to go in this direction.

7 years ago

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FSBO is a big mistake. Many don't have a clue how fast a legal action against you can come. Not recommended all!

7 years ago

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